Posted by: Thoughts and pensamientos | April 2, 2014

The big news!

This is a little late and I guess nearly everyone who follows this blog will already know this but it still deserves to be said (or shouted from the rooftops): Evie is adopted!

We have been in the process of adopting her for 2 years and 9 months. It has been ages. We had the sentencia where the Judge confirmed the legal decision the week before last. She is not quite a Powell yet, we need to request a name change still but the big thing is done.

We are getting used to this- there has definitely been some celebrating (cakes, ice-cream that sort of thing), but I think we more feel relief just now.

Time to get on with planning the big party now…

Thank you Father God.


  1. That party is going to be something else! Continuing to praise God and we love you all.

  2. That party is going to be something else! Continuing to praise God and we love you all

  3. Although it doesn’t make the slightest difference to our love for Evie it is great to know that we officially have another grand daughter. We have been thanking the Lord ever since we heard the news.
    Love mum and dad P

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